
Having completed my Master's Degree in Computing Science at Simon Fraser University (SFU) in 2009, I now work in the software industry as a Software Development Engineer in Test. My key interests include usability and interaction design, testing techniques and methodologies, and anything to do with mobile software development.

Other interests include data mining, robotics, and HCI, and I am also passionate about encouraging, promoting, and increasing the number of women in STEM fields, particularly Computing Science.
If you are looking for my Table Extraction Dataset, you can download the three parts here:
  • PublicTableExtractionDataset, a SQL database to keep track of the html pages and tables and which contains the manual labels of 'data table' or 'layout table'
  • JavaCrawlerTestDump, a folder containing all the crawled html pages
  • TableDump, a folder containing all the extracted tables from each crawled html page
For more detailed information, see this blog post.

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