Sunday, January 6, 2013

New Year's Projects

I don't usually set New Year's resolutions, but this year my family is doing a neat 'one photo a day' challenge.  Each day the four of us post one photo, and later we'll decide the best for each day.  So far we have just been taking photos and not deciding winners, but it's pretty neat to look at all the snapshots so far.

Since I'm so busy with work and not terribly inspired by Seattle for photography, this has been a great motivator.  Some days all I can do is post a snap from my phone, some days I'll grab my SLR and go for a walk to try to find something, but every day I manage to get something to post.  It's been fun so far and I'm really looking forward to seeing the results at the end of the year!

You can see what we have so far here.


zz said...

very inspiring project to kick off a new year.

Kate said...

Thanks Crystal! Hope you had a great holiday! Are you back now?